
Danielle Fuligni
I discovered my passion for coaching through raising my daughters. One of my special interests is creating space for women and girls to explore and discover who they are at the core while building confidence in their ability to trust instincts, take risks and make decisions. Read more about my story.
At MyGirl Coaching, we work with girls, teens, and women in the San Ramon Valley to build their confidence and strengthen their relationships. What that really means is we inspire people to know, love, and trust themselves in order to move forward in life and pursue their fullest, most awesome potential.
We do this work because our daughters are watching and they particularly need adult women and mothers to relevantly model how to navigate the world we live in.
We believe that confident women and girls have the ability to change not only THEIR world but THE world!
Join us in becoming a Girl on Purpose!
Growing confident women and girls.
Girl on Purpose
How to Help Your Girl Build Self-Confidence and Do All That She's Meant for in the World
You can build your girl’s self-confidence and set her on a path to believing in her ability to be or do anything she wants to in the world ... and it’s not as hard as you think.
Author Danielle Fuligni McKay draws on her vast experience leading groups that teach girls self confidence and her own personal story as a positive parent to offer parents, mentors, teachers and coaches of adolescent and teenage girls powerful methods for raising confident girls with the ability to manage emotions.
Girl on Purpose covers McKay's entire journey—what caused her low self-confidence as a kid, the a-ha moment that turned it around, and what she does to continue building her daughters’ power muscles to this day.
In this book you’ll learn: The breakthrough that empowered McKay to choose self-confidence · How to create a confidence framework for your girl · The importance of mindset (yours and hers) · Her technique to successfully manage negative self-talk · How she started owning her emotions and taught her girls to do the same · Why your daughter’s circle of friends matters.